Warm and supportive communities who share values
The North Shore is a vibrant and diverse Jewish community comprising of six established congregations in the area. The different congregations effectively meet the needs of the diverse Jewish community catering to all levels of Jewish observance and outlooks.
Jewish Shuls in the Area:
Ohr Hatzafon
To chat about which community would suit you best, please feel free to contact us.
Jewish Services in the Area:
St Ives has a functioning eruv, maintained to the highest standards. It allows observant families to enjoy Shabbat with ease and flexibility. To view the Eruv map - Click Here.
For any enquiries email -
Note: The Eruv is always evolving. Please contact to ensure there have been no changes following publication of this map.
The North Shore Mikvah - Osher V'Chaya, was recently rebuilt and operates under the auspices of Chabad North Shore. The Mikvah, located in St Ives, offers a ladies suite, mens suite and keili Mikvah. If you would like a tour or to make an appointment, please call the Mikvah hotline on 9440 0025.
For more information - Click Here
Kosher Food:
Kosher groceries and meat are available in specific supermarkets across the North Shore.
The local supermarkets in St Ives, offer a full, comprehensive range of Kosher groceries and a wide variety of regular fresh Kosher meat. All well known, international Kosher brands are readily available.
In addition, Coles has a specific range of kosher bakery items while the local cellar stocks an impressive range of Kosher wines, liquors and spirits.
The North Shore is home to several mid-tier Kosher caterers that service the community.
Rimon catering delivers to the North Shore weekly and others do so on request.
Beit Midrash and Adult Learning:
Regular shiurim and chaburas are available for learners of all levels. A variety of learning programs, private classes and retreats are available throughout the year for men and women.
Follow all our organisations on Facebook and Instagram for updates on learning opportunities, programs and events.
Torah Education:
Masada College offers an impressive Torah Stream education program. These classes begin approximately one hour before the regular Masada College classes begin and allow the Torah Stream students an extended tefillah, as well as an extra period of class time. The program is based on a traditional Jewish day school curriculum and focuses on teaching the students the skills to become proficient and self directed Jewish learners. The students learn to read Hebrew in Kindergarten and are immersed in their Hebrew and Jewish Studies from day one. There is a strong focus on learning Chumash skills from Year 2 and Mishna and Gemarah in Years 5 and 6 giving the students the tools to be well educated and proud members of the Jewish community.
The Torah Stream extends from Kindergarten to Year 6 with plans to continue onto High School.
For more information Click Here
or email Masada College -
To have a confidential chat about the Torah Stream, please feel free to contact us.